
Aims and scope

ALT'2012 is the 4th international conference concerned with the latest scientific results and applications in reliability testing and analysis. The aim of the conference is to bring researchers and practitioners from universities, institutions and industries, together to present and discuss innovative methodologies and practical applications in the reliability field: assessment, modeling, testing, analysis, design and optimization. Theoretical issues and applied case studies will range from academic considerations to industrial, medical, and social applications. There will be invited talks, plenary and parallel sessions. Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings.

NEW: The program is available here (see also the program page).

NEW: Following the conference, selected papers after revision will be published in a special issue of International Journal of Performability Engineering

ALT'2012 will take place in the buildings of INSA of Rennes (see the Access page).


Steering Committee

A. Chateauneuf (University of Clermont-Ferrand, Fr)
J.-F. Dupuy (INSA of Rennes, Fr)
F. Guerin (University of Angers, Fr)
M. Nikulin (University of Bordeaux, Fr)

Scientific Committee

V. Couallier (France)
E.A. Elsayed (USA)
O. Gaudoin (France)
L. Gerville-Reache (France)
S. Gulati (USA)
C. Huber (France)
W. Kahle (Germany)
J. Ledoux (France)
M.-L. T. Lee (USA)
N. Limnios (France)
C. Paroissin (France)
G. Pulcini (Italy)
M. Sanchez-Silva (Colombia)
K. Suzuki (Japan)

Industrial Committee

F. Bayle (Thales)
L. Denis (StatXpert)
P. Dersin (Alstom)
A. Mettas (ReliaSoft)
E. Remy (EDF R&D)
P. Schimmerling (Renault)

Local Organization

P. Chagneau (INSA Rennes)
J.-F. Dupuy (INSA Rennes)
M. Fixot
(INSA Rennes)
J. Ledoux (INSA Rennes)
H. Raissi (INSA Rennes)

Example pic

Categories :

Sponsors :



Fondation Rennes 1

Rennes Métropole

Région Bretagne


Partenaires :


