The program is available: program
P. Dersin (ALSTOM Transport): Predicting electronic devices' variable failure intensity
E. A. Elsayed (Department of Industrial Engineering, Rutgers University): Stress sequence-dependent reliability prediction models
C. Huber (Paris Descartes University): Acceleration of time to onset of a disease due to professional exposure. Application to asbestos
W. Kahle (Otto-von-Guericke University, Magdeburg): Optimal preventive maintenance in degradation processes
N. Limnios (Compiegne Technology University). Dynamical systems in semi-Markov Media for structural reliability estimation
W. Meeker (Department of Statistics, Iowa State University): Methods for planning accelerated repeated measures degradation tests
M. Nikulin (Bordeaux Segalen University): The Cox or proportional hazards model and its role in Accelerated Life Testing
C. Paroissin (Department of mathematics, University of Pau): About non-homogeneous gamma process
K. Suzuki (Department of Informatics, University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo): Optimal maintenance using advanced quality and reliability information system considering seasonal effects